This blog is intended, first and foremost, to motivate me to keep committed to starting running and losing weight.
I have to say that
I used to surf. I love surfing but live too far away to be able to surf regularly. I should swim for training but at the moment it's too expensive without a looming opportunity for waves. So running and home workouts it is.
Originally I wanted to try out a number of Android apps to see if I could do everything on my phone (trustry HTC Hero).
So far I have:
Cardio Trainer
C25K lite (C25k is a running program to go from zero to 5ks.
See it here )
and some others that I've not tried yet.
I'll see how these go first.
So, I've not excercised since my daughter was born, 9 months ago. I was running up to 5 miles, 3 times a week then and was vaguely attempting to build that up into something more. This time I have to start from scratch - hence C25K. I've done it before so I know it works.
If I get any kind of response (!) I'll update more of my meagre and unexciting excercise history.